Fast and Fabulous: 5 tips to prep for Ramadan 🧕
Image source SS22 collection
Ramadan is almost here, and it's time to get our glow up on ! Here are five fun tips to ensure you're Ramadan-ready this year !
1. Catch up and prep your body
With life going fast and a hundred things on our to-do list, we can sometimes be caught by surprise with how close Ramadan is. Prep for the best month of the year by catching up missed days from last year if you haven’t already. If you’re already all caught up (good on you!), start reducing slowly the amount of food you eat in a day. Drink more water and maybe cut back on coffee and sugar which often cause headhaches when suddendly removed from one’s diet. Fasting can be difficult on the body for some of us, so make sure to take care of yourself.
2. Modest Glow-Up
No matter where we are in our Modest journey, we can always do better. You’re not a Hijabi but would love to cover up ? You’re wearing the Hijab but love to stop wearing pants or try Khimars or even the Jilbab ? Let’s set the intention before Ramadan starts so we can make the best out of this Holy Month !
3. Skin first
For a lot of Muslimahs, going bare skin on a daily basis is still a challenge and the month of Ramadan can be quite triggering for self-conscious sisters. Let’s lift each other up during this process ! Start reducing the amount of makeup you wear on a daily basis, opt for no makeup up looks, invest in skincare instead. Heal your skin and your self confidence. Get used to seeing yourself how God intented it. It will be hard at first but set your intentions and get ready to fall in love with your bare face.
4. Soulful Self-Care
Take time for self-care that nurtures your soul. Whether it's reading a spiritually uplifting book, journaling, or practicing mindfulness, find what makes your heart happy and incorporate it into your routine. Set religious intentions other than modesty. Learn a new surah ? Go to taraweeh at the local mosque or do it everyday at home ? Set realistic goals so you’ll finish your month on a motivated note. Remember: the goal is to keep on doing it after Ramadan is over.
5. Sisterhood & Support
Connect with your hijabi squad! Plan virtual iftar hangouts, exchange Ramadan tips and support each other's goals. Together, we rise, shine , and celebrate the beauty of Ramadan in true hijabi style. Being surrounded by spiritual sisters can really make a difference during Ramadan but also for the rest of the year to come.
So, gorgeous hijabis, let's make this Ramadan a month of empowerment, style, and sisterhood. Get ready to own your glow-up because you're worth it! 💖🌙👑
Wanna read even more tips for prepping for Ramadan ? Read of issue #1 of Studio Sultanas, available as print and digital download !