Expressing your personal style while wearing the Jilbab, is it possible?
Hijabi Made Magazine
Hijabi Made Magazine
Our Studio Sultanas magazine is not just a read; it's a celebration of modesty, creativity, and all things girly. From fashion-forward modest trends to captivating lifestyle features, we've curated a playful experience that reflects the spirit of Studio Sultanas. It's not just a magazine; it's a ticket to a world where joy, empowerment, and girly vibes collide in the most fabulous way possible. Get ready to be entertained, inspired, and embrace the rebel in you! 🌟💖🎉

How the hijab made me love my face
We all wear the hijab for one specific reason. Not because we just want to or because it makes us feel good. We do it for God and only Him. But, even if hijab comes with a lot of rules and, for most of us, some major life changes, it does bring some really positive side effects I personally didn’t expect. One of them being that I started to feel more confident about my body and more precisely : I started to love my face.