
The Secret to a More Productive Year: January Doesn’t Count

Hijabi Made Magazine

Hijabi Made Magazine

Our Studio Sultanas magazine is not just a read; it's a celebration of modesty, creativity, and all things girly. From fashion-forward modest trends to captivating lifestyle features, we've curated a playful experience that reflects the spirit of Studio Sultanas. It's not just a magazine; it's a ticket to a world where joy, empowerment, and girly vibes collide in the most fabulous way possible. Get ready to be entertained, inspired, and embrace the rebel in you! 🌟💖🎉

Are safety pins really safe?
fashion, Lifestyle Les Sultanas fashion, Lifestyle Les Sultanas

Are safety pins really safe?

In the current socio-political climate, safety has become a primary concern for individuals, especially for hijabis who may face unique challenges. While safety pins have long been a go-to accessory for securing hijabs, recent events highlight the potential dangers associated with their use, particularly in cases of aggression where hijab pulling may occur. In such situations, safety pins can inadvertently exacerbate harm.

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Why Black Jilbab is best in the Summer
fashion Les Sultanas fashion Les Sultanas

Why Black Jilbab is best in the Summer

“Aren’t you warm in that ?”, as Hijabis we all heard that one question at least once in a lifetime. Every summer, people don’t understand how we are not suffocating under our layers. But we’re not, just like Bedouins in the desert aren’t and haven’t been for centuries.

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