Expressing your personal style while wearing the Jilbab, is it possible?
Hijabi Made Magazine
Hijabi Made Magazine
Our Studio Sultanas magazine is not just a read; it's a celebration of modesty, creativity, and all things girly. From fashion-forward modest trends to captivating lifestyle features, we've curated a playful experience that reflects the spirit of Studio Sultanas. It's not just a magazine; it's a ticket to a world where joy, empowerment, and girly vibes collide in the most fabulous way possible. Get ready to be entertained, inspired, and embrace the rebel in you! 🌟💖🎉

I Tried to Be a Niqabi for 10 Days: Here’s What I Learned
During my recent trip to Tangier, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and try something that’s often controvertial in the west: wearing the niqab. As a French Muslim, where wearing the niqab is literally illegal, and someone whose school of thought doesn’t consider it mandatory, I’ve always been curious about this practice. So, I took the opportunity to explore it for 10 days while travelling to Morocco. What I discovered was an experience that was both challenging and rewarding.
This is the Hijab fabric French Hijabis are *obsessed* with
French girls are known worldwide to have this mystical ability to look effortlessly chic. Unlike many things in France, this doesn’t exclude Hijabis. From their large choice of modest brands, unique and rare hijab fabrics, French Hijabis are holding on to their hijabs with style.